
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
Before opening Bannick, McQuoid worked in the medical device industry as a biostatistician, regulatory manager, and clinical professional. She is a fellow of the Regulatory Affairs Professional Society (RAPS), regulatory affairs-certified (RAC), and served as a member of the Ethics Committee for RAPS. She is a member of Medical Alley, and helped develop clinical and regulatory groups and workshops. She is also a member of the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA), a past president of its North Central Chapter, and currently serves on the AMWA Budget & Finance committee. McQuoid is an invited speaker for RAPS, Medical Alley, and AMWA. She received a degree in biostatistics and statistics from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, and later earned Master of Arts degrees in health and human services as well as management from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota.
Karen Bannick McQuoid是Bannick的首席执行官,Bannick是一家成立于1998年的主要设备集团,为医疗设备公司提供临床,医学写作,质量,监管和审计指导。基于她为全球患者带来安全有效技术的热情,McQuoid在医疗技术行业实践了她独特的生物统计学,临床研究和卓越的监管技能组合超过30年。她和她的专家团队为制造商提供战略指导和可交付成果的开发,将新的医疗技术推向市场并确保上市后安全。她在欧洲临床评估开发方面的专业知识得到了广泛认可,她在临床和监管事务方面富有洞察力的战略指导也得到了广泛认可。

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