
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
3) How would you get food?
4) Are these civilisations close by?
Stage 2 Pre-reading (3 mins)
Task1. Teacher studies the title with the students, asking:what does the word mean ?what two teams are racing?who is the winner?
Task2. Read the text quickly and find out :when the two journeys began and what happened to the two teams.Teacher should remind students of using skimming skills to get the general meaning of the whole text. And give students a few moments to skim the explorers’ accounts and underline the general sentence and topic
Stage 3 While-reading (10 mins)
(Purpose: 通过泛读,能够让学生对文章每段段意有个初步了解,锻炼学生对文章表层含义理解,养成良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读技能。在此过程中设置一些题目,会让学生更有针对性地阅读,题目难度由浅入深,层层递进,让学生对文本有更胜层次理解和领悟,从而提高学生的学习能力。)
1.Read again and complete the information about the two exploration teams,on page38
2.Pair Work Summarise the change of feelings on Scott’s teams return journey. Give reasons for the words or phrases you have chosen.

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