
2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
3.Read the underlined sentences from Scott’s diary and letter. Work out the implied meaning of these sentences from the context. Write your inferences below.(Refer to the Skill Builder)
Stage 4 Post-reading (10 mins)
(Purpose: 帮助学生更深层次理解文章,理解文章中人物表达出深层次含义)
Activity-1 Think and Share
1.Would you say that Scott and his team are losers? Why or why not?
2. How do you understand Amunden’s saying about Scott’s death “Captain Scott left a record, for honesty, sincerity, for bravery, for everything that makes a man”?
Activity-2 Express Yourself
Read the sentences from Scott’s dairy and letter again.Group work
1.Discuss what he was trying to say in each one.
2.Highlight the parts that impress you most and explain why.
3.Why do you think the writer of the text used the word “race” in the title?
4.Why was the world shocked by Scott’s death?
Stage5 Summing up & Self-assessing (8 mins)
(Purpose: 学生通过绘制思维导图,加深对文本内容的理解为下阶段书面输出做好准备)

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