
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视


新的研究发现,流感可能会显著增加心脏病发作的风险。一位医生说,医学专家揭示了为什么病毒会使心脏处于危险之中——“请就医”。Flu diagnosis could significantly raise heart attack risk, new study finds. Medical experts reveal why virus can put heart in jeopardy — "seek medical attention," said one doctor.
荷兰的一项新研究发现,感染流感的人在确诊流感后的几天内心脏病发作的可能性可能高出六倍。据Medscape报道,该研究的成果计划于4月18日在丹麦哥本哈根举行的欧洲临床微生物学和传染病大会上发表。People who get influenza could be six times more susceptible to having a heart attack in the days following a flu diagnosis, a new study from the Netherlands has found. The study’s conclusions were scheduled to be presented on April 18 at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases in Copenhagen, Denmark, as reported by Medscape.
首席研究员、乌得勒支大学医学中心朱利叶斯生命科学和初级保健中心的Annemarijn de Boer博士分析了荷兰16个实验室的检测结果以及医疗和死亡记录。报告称,在2008年至2019年间的26221例流感病例中,401人在确诊后一年内至少经历了一次心脏病发作。The lead researcher, Dr. Annemarijn de Boer with the Julius Center for Life Sciences and Primary Care at the University Medical Center Utrecht, analyzed test results from 16 labs in the Netherlands, as well as medical and death records. Of 26,221 cases of influenza between the years 2008 and 2019, 401 people experienced at least one heart attack within a year of the diagnosis, the report said.

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