2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
此外,研究人员发现,与前一年或后一年相比,人们在感染流感后一周内心脏病发作的可能性高6.16倍。然而,当排除医院外发生的死亡时,增加的风险是2.42倍,而不是6.16倍。Additionally, people had a 6.16 times higher likelihood of having a heart attack in the week after getting the flu compared to the year before or after, the researchers found. However, when excluding the deaths that occurred outside the hospital, the increased risk was 2.42 times instead of 6.16.
德波尔表示,这可能是因为荷兰的大多数流感检测都是在医院进行的,这意味着患者更有可能患上严重疾病。This is likely because most flu testing in the Netherlands is performed in the hospital, which means patients are more likely to have severe illness, according to de Boer.
安大略省多伦多市达拉拉纳公共卫生学院的Jeffrey C.Kwong博士领导的2018年加拿大一项研究也有类似的发现。研究人员发现,参与者在确诊后一周内心脏病发作的可能性是其他人的6.05倍。纽约市曼哈顿心脏病学的委员会认证心脏病专家Mary Greene博士没有参与这项研究,但对研究结果进行了审查。Similar findings came from a 2018 Canadian study led by Dr. Jeffrey C. Kwong from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health in Toronto, Ontario. Researchers found that participants were 6.05 times more likely to have a heart attack in the week after diagnosis. Board-certified cardiologist Dr. Mary Greene with Manhattan Cardiology in New York City was not involved in the study, but reviewed the findings.
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