
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
格林告诉福克斯新闻数字频道:“虽然这项荷兰研究的方法没有产生那么多有力的数据,但这项研究肯定与之前得出类似结论的研究相呼应”。她补充道:“我确实同意,流感会增加特定人群中心脏病发作的几率,尤其是那些有潜在心脏病的患者”。"While the methodology of this particular Dutch study did not yield as much robust data, the study certainly echoes previous studies that have come to similar conclusions," Greene told Fox News Digital. "I do agree that a flu diagnosis can increase the odds of heart attack in a select group of patients, especially those with underlying heart disease," she added.
格林说,在被诊断为流感的患者中,心脏病发作的增加很大程度上源于炎症过程和当某人对抗流感或其他病毒性疾病时在体内创造的环境。The increase in heart attacks among patients diagnosed with influenza, said Greene, largely stems from the inflammatory process and the environment that is created within the body when someone is fighting off the flu or other viral illnesses.


她说:“体内的这种炎症会使胆固醇斑块更容易破裂,血液更容易凝结,这是心肌梗死(心脏病发作)和缺血性中风的潜在机制”。"Such inflammation in the body can make cholesterol plaques more vulnerable to rupture and blood more likely to clot, which is the underlying mechanism of both myocardial infarction (heart attack) and ischemic stroke," she said.

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