2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
吴浩医生是成千上万奋战在抗疫一线的中国基层卫生工作者的优秀代表。在中国快速控制新冠肺炎疫情暴发和常态化防控中,社区防控发挥了不可替代的作用,实现了新冠肺炎病例的早发现和早报告,降低了社区传播的风险,拧紧了发病的“水龙头”。吴浩医生以及广大中国基层卫生工作者所做的工作,是中国抗击疫情成效的生动体现。中方愿同各国及时分享社区防控经验,为全球早日战胜疫情、完善全球卫生治理贡献力量。 Dr. Wu is a fine example of the countless community health workers fighting on the frontline in China"s battle against COVID-19. Community-level prevention and control played an irreplaceable role in China"s rapid containment of the outbreak and later prevention and control on a daily basis. It ensured the early detection and report of infection, reduced the risks of community spread, and tightened the screws on the occurrence of early infection. The work of Dr. Wu and numerous health workers at the community-level is a vivid demonstration of China"s effective anti-virus efforts. China stands ready to share its experience in community prevention and control with other countries in a timely manner to contribute to an early global victory over the virus and better global health governance.
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