2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying"s
Regular Press Conference on May 11, 2021

深圳卫视记者:10日,日本首相菅义伟在众议院预算委员会上称,根据内阁答辩书关于“从军慰安妇”表述不妥的决定,在今后的教科书检定中将不再认可“从军慰安妇”一词,改用“慰安妇”。同时,菅表示仍将继承1993年8月“河野谈话”关于“慰安妇”的立场。中方对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said at the Lower House Budget Committee that according to a written answer approved by the cabinet which decides that the term "military comfort women" is inappropriate, the word will be replaced by "comfort women" in textbooks. Suga said the Japanese side will stand by the position on "comfort women" in the Kono Statement of August 1993. Do you have any response to that? 华春莹:
在日本强征“慰安妇”问题上,中方的立场是一贯和明确的。强征“慰安妇”是日本军国主义犯下的严重反人道罪行,这一历史事实铁证如山,不容否认。你提到的“河野谈话”是日本政府发表的对二战期间强征“慰安妇”问题的调查结果,承认了此系二战期间日本军队采用强制、诱骗等手段,违反受害者本人意愿而进行的历史事实。 Hua Chunying: China"s position on the "comfort women" issue is consistent and clear. The forced recruitment of "comfort women" is a grave crime against humanity committed by the Japanese militarism. It is an undeniable historical fact with iron-clad evidence. The Kono Statement contains the findings of Japanese government investigation into the forced recruitment of "comfort women" during WWII, which admitted the historical fact that it was carried out by the Japanese military against the will of the victims by force or lure during the war.
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