
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian"s

Regular Press Conference on April 13, 2021


总台央视记者:11日,美国国务卿布林肯接受采访称,中方在新冠肺炎疫情初期有些事该做却未做,比如没有第一时间允许国际专家来华,没有及时分享信息,没有真正做到公开透明。中方对此有何评论? CCTV: On April 11, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in an interview that in the early stages of COVID-19, China "didn"t do what it needed to do, which was to, in real time, give access to international experts, in real time to share information, in real time to provide real transparency". What is your comment on his remarks? 赵立坚:
面对未知的病毒和突如其来的疫情,中国政府坚持人民至上、生命至上,采取了最硬核的防控措施,毫无保留地与各国分享防控诊疗经验,为世界守住了疫情防控的关键防线,为各国争取了应对疫情的宝贵时间。中国抗疫努力概括起来是四个词:公开、透明、科学、负责。反观美方呢?概括起来也是四个词:甩锅、推责、污名化、政治化。美方某些人一提起疫情就拿中国说事儿,这种做法极不道德,极不负责。中方绝不接受。 Zhao Lijian: In the face of the sudden onslaught of the epidemic caused by an unknown virus, the Chinese government, putting people and life first, took the most rigorous control measures and shared our experience with other countries without any reservation. China served as a crucial line of defense for the world and bought precious time for the global fight against the virus. The four keywords for China"s response are openness, transparency, science and responsibility. What about the US? Its moves can be summarized as scapegoating, blame-shifting, stigmatization and politicization. It is immoral and irresponsible that some in the US always make an issue out of China whenever the topic of COVID-19 is brought up. China will never accept that.

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