2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin"s
Regular Press Conference on June 9, 2021

CCTV: We noted that the Chinese side released the Co-Chairs" Statement on the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers" Meeting in Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Dialogue Relations. Could you offer more information on that? How do you comment on this meeting?
汪文斌:纪念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年特别外长会于2021年6月7日在中国重庆举行。王毅国务委员兼外长同东盟国家外长和东盟秘书长就当前形势下中国东盟深化政治互信、推进抗疫和复苏合作、推动双方关系提质升级等进行了广泛深入的交流,达成了重要共识。 Wang Wenbin: The Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers" Meeting in Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Dialogue Relations was held in Chongqing, China on 7 June 2021. State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, foreign ministers of ASEAN countries and the ASEAN Secretary-General had in-depth and extensive discussions and reached important consensus on deepening political mutual trust, enhancing anti-epidemic cooperation and boosting economic recovery, among other areas.
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