
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian"s

Regular Press Conference on May 24, 2021


韩国《中央日报》记者:我有两个问题。第一,21日,韩国总统文在寅与美国总统拜登在华盛顿举行了面对面首脑会谈,两国首脑发表了加强韩美同盟的联合声明。中方对此持何立场?第二,中国打算什么时候和哪个国家举行面对面的首脑会谈,现在有相关的计划吗? JoongAng Ilbo:The leaders of the United States and South Korea pledged to strengthen US-ROK alliance after they met in Washington on May 21. What is China"s position on this? When will China have face-to-face summit with other countries? Do you have any plan for that? 赵立坚:
关于第一个问题,中方注意到美韩联合声明有关内容,对此表示关切。我们认为,美韩关系的发展应有利于促进地区和平稳定与发展繁荣,而不是相反,更不应损害包括中国在内的第三方利益。 Zhao Lijian: We noted the relevant content of the joint statement of the US and the ROK and are concerned about that. We believe that the development of US-ROK relations should be conducive to promoting regional peace, stability, development and prosperity, rather than the opposite, still less harmful to the interests of third parties including China.

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