
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
关于第二个问题,我目前没有可向你提供的信息。 On your second question, I have no information to offer at this moment.
总台央视记者:21日,习近平主席以视频方式出席全球健康峰会并发表重要讲话,就加强全球抗疫合作提出5点意见。习主席还宣布了中方支持全球团结抗疫的一系列具体举措。外界普遍关注中方承诺在未来3年内再提供30亿美元国际援助等。你能否介绍有关情况? CCTV: On May 21, President Xi Jinping attended and addressed the Global Health Summit via video link, putting forward five points on what needs to be done to strengthen international anti-epidemic cooperation. President Xi also announced a series of specific measures that China would take to support global fight against the epidemic. There is a lot of attention on China"s announcement of an additional 3 billion US dollars in international aid over the next three years. Can you tell us a bit more? 赵立坚:
Zhao Lijian: On May 21, President Xi Jinping attended the Global Health Summit via video link upon invitation and delivered an important speech. President Xi put forward five proposals and announced five major measures to promote international anti-epidemic cooperation, charting the course for an early victory over the COVID-19 and an early recovery of the global economy. It is of great significance for boosting multilateralism, promoting international anti-epidemic cooperation and leading the reform of global health governance system.

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