
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
美韩联合声明提及台湾、南海等问题。台湾问题纯属中国内政,事关中国主权和领土完整,不容任何外部势力干涉。我们敦促有关国家在台湾问题上谨言慎行,不要“玩火”。关于南海问题,各国依据国际法在南海享有航行与飞越自由,根本不存在问题,有关国家对此心知肚明。 The joint statement mentioned issues related to Taiwan and the South China Sea. The Taiwan question is China"s internal affair. It bears on China"s sovereignty and territorial integrity and allows no interference by external forces. We urge relevant countries to speak and act prudentially on the Taiwan question and refrain from playing with fire. With regard to the South China Sea issue, all countries enjoy the freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea in accordance with international law, and there is no problem with it. Relevant countries know these very clearly.
关于国际秩序,我想强调,世界上只有一个体系,就是以联合国为核心的国际体系;只有一套规则,就是以联合国宪章为基础的国际关系基本准则。一个或几个国家没有资格单方面定义国际秩序,更没有资格将自己的标准强加于人。中方一贯反对有关国家搞针对他国的“四边机制”、“印太战略”等“小圈子”。这种做法不得人心,不会得逞,也没有出路。 As to international order, I want to stress that there is only one system in the world, and it is the UN-centered international order; there is only one set of rules, and it is the basic norms governing international relations with the UN Charter as its cornerstone. Neither one nor several countries are entitled to define what the international order is, still less to impose their standard on others. China always opposes relevant countries in creating small cliques targeting other countries including the "Quad" and "Indo-Pacific strategy". Such unpopular practice will not succeed and will only lead to a dead end.

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