
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
会后双方发表了《纪念中国—东盟建立对话关系30周年特别外长会共同主席声明》,内容十分丰富,重申了双方致力于推动中国东盟关系迈上新高度、坚持多边主义、支持东盟在区域架构中的中心地位等原则和立场,并就抗击疫情、经济复苏、可持续发展等各领域合作作出规划。包括声明全文在内的有关消息均已发布,大家可以查阅。这里我想再和大家分享几点看法: After the meeting, the Co-Chairs" Statement on the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers" Meeting in Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Dialogue Relations was released. The content-rich statement reiterates principles and propositions including the commitment to advancing ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership to new heights, adhering to multilateralism and supporting ASEAN centrality in the regional architecture. It also contains plans for cooperation in such areas as COVID-19, economic recovery and sustainable development. The readout and the full text of the statement are readily available online for your reference. I"d like to share some more details with you.
第一,此次会议召开恰逢其时,具有特殊的重要意义。过去30年,中国东盟对话关系取得了跨越式的发展和里程碑式的成果,已经成为地区和平稳定和发展繁荣的重要支柱。在当前严峻的全球疫情和复杂多变的国际形势下,双方召开此次特别外长会,重申致力于进一步深化双方关系,共同应对挑战,并重点讨论规划下步具体合作,释放了中国东盟加强团结合作、共同维护地区和平稳定和发展繁荣的积极信号,坚定了地区国家共渡难关、共谋发展的决心和信心。 First, the meeting with its right timing is of unique relevance. In the past 30 years, China-ASEAN dialogue relations have achieved leapfrog development with many milestones, becoming an important pillar for regional peace, stability, development and prosperity. Amid the grim COVID-19 pandemic and the complex and volatile international situation, China and ASEAN held the special foreign ministers" meeting to reaffirm commitment to deepening bilateral relations and jointly meeting challenges and discuss and plan for specific cooperation in the next stage, sending out the positive signal of China and ASEAN jointly maintaining regional peace, stability, development and prosperity through greater solidarity and closer cooperation and strengthening the resolve and confidence of regional countries to tide over difficulties together and seek common development.

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