
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
第三,中国东盟关系提质升级,大有可为。中方在会上强调,中国正加快构建新发展格局,这将为包括东盟国家在内的世界各国提供更大的市场、更多的机遇、更强的动能。中方就未来30年共同实现好、维护好、发展好东亚特色的区域合作之路,打造更高水平的中国东盟战略伙伴关系,构建更为紧密的命运共同体提出六点建议,包括深化抗疫合作、推动经济复苏、提升关系水平、尽早达成“南海行为准则”、坚持维护多边主义、共同弘扬亚洲价值等,得到东盟国家积极响应。相信在双方共同努力下,中国东盟关系将不断迈上新台阶,迎来下一个更加精彩的30年。 Third, there are bright prospects in upgrading China-ASEAN relations. The Chinese side stressed that the accelerating of the building of a new development paradigm in China will provide ASEAN countries and the rest of the world with a bigger market, more opportunities and stronger driving force. China has put forward a six-point proposal on jointly blazing, maintaining and developing the path of regional cooperation with East Asian characteristics, building a higher level of China-ASEAN strategic partnership and forging a closer community with a shared future in the next 30 years. It includes such aspects as deepening anti-epidemic cooperation, boosting economic recovery, upgrading relations, working for an early conclusion of a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, upholding multilateralism and jointly promoting Asian values. This was well received by the ASEAN countries. I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, China-ASEAN relations will be lifted to new heights and usher in an even greater 30 years.

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