
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
第二,成绩来之不易,经验弥足珍贵。这次会议回顾总结了双方关系发展经验和成果。过去30年来,中国东盟政治安全、经济贸易、社会人文三大领域合作硕果累累,成为最大规模的贸易伙伴、最富内涵的合作伙伴、最具活力的战略伙伴。这得益于双方始终把对方放在对外关系的首要位置;始终以民为本,聚焦务实合作;始终秉持伙伴精神,携手应对重大挑战;始终坚持开放发展,实现互利共赢;始终以大局为重,把分歧放在适当的位置。在30周年这个继往开来的关键节点,我们从历史中汲取宝贵经验,将为双方关系更好发展注入持久动力。 Second, these achievement have not come easily and the experience is invaluable. At this meeting, the countries took stock of the experience and achievements of China-ASEAN relations. Over the past 30 years, China-ASEAN cooperation has yielded fruitful results in the three pillar areas, namely, political security, economy and trade, and people-to-people exchange. China and ASEAN have forged the largest trading partnership, the most substantial cooperation partnership and the most dynamic strategic partnership. This is attributable to the fact that we always give top priority to each other in our foreign relations; we always put the people first and focus on pragmatic cooperation; we always work together in the spirit of partnership to address major challenges; we always adhere to openness and development for mutual benefit and win-win results; we always put differences in perspective and bear in mind the overall interests. At this crucial juncture of the 30th anniversary linking past achievements with future prospects, we will draw valuable experience from the past and instill lasting impetus into the better and more steady growth of our relations.

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