
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
我还想问问美方,他们对疫情“吹哨人”朱海伦医生、布莱特博士、克罗泽尔舰长做了什么?对新泽西州贝尔维市市长、加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉县卫生官员有关疫情时间线前移的线索作何回应?对国际社会高度关注的德特里克堡种种疑点作何解释?打算何时邀请世卫组织专家去美国开展溯源调查?美方该如何处理这些“该做却未做的事”、该回答还没有回答的问题?请美方回答。 I also want to ask the US: What has it done to whistle-blowers like Dr. Helen Y. Chu, Dr. Rick Bright and Captain Brett Crozier? How does it respond to clues that may move the timeline earlier provided by the mayor of Belleville in New Jersey and health officials of Santa Clara County in California? Is there any explanation on doubts raised by the international community about Fort Detrick? When will the US invite WHO experts to do origin-tracing investigations in the US? Will the US do "what it needs to do" and take questions that it needs to answer? It"s time for the US to give an answer.
湖北广电记者:昨天,外交部为湖北举办了全球特别推介活动,这场推介活动是至今出席外国使节及代表最多、规模最大的一次。你如何评价这次推介活动?下一步外交部还将为湖北走向世界提供什么助力? HRTN: The foreign ministry held a special promotion event for Hubei Province yesterday, the largest of its kind with the most foreign envoys and representatives in attendance. How do you comment on the event and what does the foreign ministry plan to do in order to help the province further go global? 赵立坚:

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