
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
出席活动的驻华使节纷纷对湖北和武汉抗击疫情和经济重振取得的成果表示热烈祝贺,高度赞赏“人民至上,生命至上”理念和“一方有难,八方支援”精神,希望进一步深化与湖北和武汉在经贸、科技、教育、人文等领域的交流与合作。 Diplomatic envoys attending the event extended warm congratulations on what Hubei and Wuhan have achieved in anti-epidemic response and economic recovery. They highly commended the philosophy of putting people"s life front and center and everybody lending a helping hand in times of difficulty, and expressed the hope to further deepen exchanges and cooperation with Hubei and Wuhan in areas of economy, trade, science and technology, education, and cultural and people-to-people exchanges.
作为湖北全球特别推介活动后续,外交部还将组织驻华使节团、外国媒体记者团赴湖北考察和采访,进一步加深国际社会对湖北和武汉的了解,挖掘合作机遇、拓展合作空间,为湖北开放发展搭建平台。 As a follow-up to the special promotion event, the foreign ministry will invite diplomatic missions and foreign correspondents in China to visit Hubei and conduct interviews, so as to further deepen the international community"s understanding of Hubei and Wuhan, tap into opportunities for cooperation, and offer a platform for further opening-up and development of Hubei.

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