
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
深圳卫视记者:加拿大政府网站日前更新赴华旅行提醒,增加涉新疆地区安全风险内容,称中国政府在新疆地区通过“不正当程序”拘押少数族裔和穆斯林,已有加公民的中国籍亲属遭拘押,加公民赴疆可能面临被任意拘押的风险。中方对此有何评论? Shenzhen TV: The website of the Government of Canada updated its travel advice for China, adding security risk content in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. It claims that Chinese authorities are detaining ethnic and Muslim minorities in the region without due process and that some Canadian citizens" family members with Chinese citizenship have been detained. It warns Canadian citizens that they may be at risk of arbitrary detention if they travel to Xinjiang. Do you have a comment? 赵立坚:
加拿大方面有关旅行提醒毫无根据。 Zhao Lijian: The Canadian travel advice is groundless.
我们已经多次批驳美西方国家一些机构和人员凭空捏造的涉疆谎言。当前,新疆社会和谐稳定,经济持续发展,人民生活显著改善,各族人民充分享有生存权、发展权等各项权利。 We"ve refuted time and again the lies on Xinjiang fabricated by some institutions and individuals in the US and other Western countries. At present, Xinjiang enjoys social harmony and stability, sustained economic development and notably improved living standards. People of all ethnic groups enjoy fully their rights including the right to subsistence and the right to development.

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