
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
中国是法治国家,严格依法办事。任何在华外国公民,包括加拿大公民,只要遵纪守法,就完全没有必要担心。近年来,新疆接待的中外游客数量连破纪录,其中2019年超过2亿人次。我们欢迎更多外国人士到新疆去走一走、看一看,了解新疆的真实情况。在事实和真相面前,任何谎言和虚假信息都将不攻自破。 China is a country with rule of law where everything is handled in strict accordance with law. Foreign citizens in China, including Canadian nationals, have absolutely nothing to worry as long as they abide by laws and regulations. In recent years, Xinjiang has set new records in the number of domestic and international tourists it has received. In 2019, over 200 million visits were paid to the region. We hope more people from foreign countries will go to Xinjiang and see the true picture there. When confronted with facts and truth, lies and disinformation will crumble by themselves.
法新社记者:据报道,有黑客从俄罗斯和中国对法国的网课平台发起攻击,导致网课平台在上周法国实施新一轮全国性防疫封锁伊始即发生瘫痪。中方是否注意到该情况?对此有何评论? AFP: According to a report, hackers operating in Russia and China targeted France"s homeschooling platform last week at the start of a nationwide lockdown due to COVID-19. Is China aware of this incident? Does the foreign ministry have any comment? 赵立坚:我们注意到相关报道。中方一贯反对任何形式的网络攻击。

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