
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视


《环球时报》记者:我们注意到有媒体报道,中国疾控中心主任高福10日在全国疫苗与健康大会上称,中国疫苗防护率不是很高,应该考虑多种技术路线疫苗序贯交替接种。你对此有何评论? Global Times: It is reported that Gao Fu, Director-General of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said at the National Vaccines and Health Conference that Chinese vaccines don"t have very high rates of protection, adding that we should consider using different vaccines from different technical lines of the immunization process. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:
我们注意到中国疾控中心主任高福已就此作出回应,指出有关媒体报道“完全是误解”。疫苗是用来抗击疫情、拯救生命的。有关媒体的报道应秉持科学、客观的态度,不能为了博取眼球,更不能断章取义,甚至故意曲解。否则将严重误导民众,付出生命的代价。 Zhao Lijian: We noticed that Director-General Gao Fu of China CDC has already made responses to this, saying that relevant media reports are a complete misunderstanding. Vaccines should be used to fight the virus and save lives. When conducting reports, media organizations should follow a science-based and objective approach, rather than taking words out of context or even intentionally distort people"s remarks just to attract attention. Otherwise, they risk seriously misleading the public and even costing lives.

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