
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
Zhao Lijian: The East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) is a terrorist organization listed by the UN Security Council and is recognized as such by Turkey. Abduqadir Yapchan is a founder of the ETIM and masterminded multiple violent terrorist activities in China, and the evidence is irrefutable. China deplores and rejects the court verdict, urge the relevant Turkish side to see the violent terrorist nature of Abduqadir Yapchan as it is, reverse its wrong verdict, lest the case should have a severe negative impact on China-Turkey relations.


日本共同社记者:据报道,美国气候变化事务特使克里即将来华,同中方气候变化事务特别代表解振华会面。请问克里何时来华?双方具体的议题是什么?美方已邀请习近平主席出席4月22日召开的全球气候变化峰会,请问习主席会出席吗? Kyodo News: US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry is reported to be travelling to China soon for a meeting with his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua. When is the visit and what are items on agenda? The US has invited President Xi Jinping to attend the global climate change summit on April 22. Will President Xi attend the event? 赵立坚:

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