
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
关于你提到的两个问题,我目前没有可以向你提供的信息。 Zhao Lijian: On your two questions, I have nothing to offer at this moment.
《北京日报》记者:近日,英国政府宣布拨款4300万英镑,资助循英国国民(海外)护照(BNO)签证路径移居英国的香港家庭解决就业、住房、子女入学等问题。中方对此有何评论? Beijing Daily: The British government has recently announced a 43 million package to support Hong Kong families following the BNO visa route to settle in the country by helping with employment, housing and children"s education. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:我们注意到相关消息。
中方已就有关问题多次充分阐明立场。英方反复炒作、搞政治操弄是伪善的,也注定是徒劳的。 Zhao Lijian: We noticed the announcement. China has elaborated on its position many times. The UK side"s move to repeatedly hype up the issue and seek political manipulation is hypocritical and doomed to fail.
新华社记者:4月11日,吉尔吉斯斯坦举行新宪法全民公投,初步结果显示投票率超过30%法律门槛,此次公投有效,其中近八成选民投票赞成。中方对此有何评论? Xinhua News Agency: According to preliminary results, the turnout of the referendum on new constitution in Kyrgyzstan on April 11 is above the 30 percent threshold required to make the referendum valid. Nearly 80 percent of the voters voted in favor of the new constitution. Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:

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