2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
金砖国家是新兴市场和发展中国家的代表,也应当是践行多边主义、加强多边体系的模范。正是基于这样的考虑,中国同其他金砖伙伴一道,经过深入讨论,形成了金砖国家关于加强和改革多边体系的联合声明。 BRICS countries are representatives of emerging markets and developing countries, and models of practicing multilateralism and enhancing multilateral system. It is with this idea that China worked with other BRICS partners to form a joint statement on strengthening and reforming the multilateral system through in-depth discussion.
这份声明中有几个关键点尤其值得关注。一是重申金砖国家对多边主义的承诺,呼吁维护以《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则为基石的国际法,维护联合国在国际体系中的中心作用,推动构建人类命运共同体。 There are some points in the joint statement that merit attention. First, it reiterated BRICS countries" commitment to multilateralism, and called for upholding international law with the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations as its indispensable cornerstone and the central role of the United Nations in the international system, with the aim to build a brighter shared future for the international community.
二是重申要坚持不干涉内政原则,坚持根据正义和国际法原则和平解决国际争端,不接受使用武力或以武力相威胁,反对侵犯别国领土完整或政治独立。反对双重标准,反对违反国际法和《联合国宪章》的单边强制性措施。 Second, it reaffirmed the principles of non-intervention in the internal affairs of States and the resolution of international disputes by peaceful means and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law as well as the inadmissibility of the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State. It rejected double standards and unilateral coercive measures not based on international law and the UN Charter.
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