
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
In fact, it is the central government of China that has been upholding and promoting democracy in Hong Kong. It was after the return of Hong Kong to the motherland that Hong Kong compatriots really began to take charge of their own affairs. The central government has been committed to promoting Hong Kong"s democracy within constitutional and legal framework, and has made tremendous efforts to this end. In August 2014, the NPC Standing Committee further stipulated the roadmap and timetable for selecting the HKSAR"s chief executive and forming LegCo through universal suffrage. Unfortunately, the anti-China destabilizing forces in Hong Kong intentionally disrupted the procedure and vetoed the proposal. As a result, the aim of selecting the chief executive and forming LegCo through universal suffrage was hence beyond reach. During Hong Kong"s turbulence over the proposed amendment bill in 2019, anti-China rioters in Hong Kong blatantly colluded with external forces in an attempt to instigate a "color revolution". With the open or covert support of the West, the rioters engaged in extremely violent criminal activities, vandalizing, looting, attacking police officers with lethal weapons, lynching innocent citizens and setting people on fire in the streets. Some secretly met with foreign diplomats stationed in Hong Kong; some waved the flags of the US and the UK, and some asked the American troops to land on Hong Kong. These activities have seriously undermined Hong Kong"s constitutional and legal order, and jeopardized China"s sovereignty, security, development interests and Hong Kong"s prosperity and stability. No sovereign country would ever tolerate anything like this. The move to improve the electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR by the National People"s Congress embodies, more than anything, the good intention and sense of responsibility of the central government to uphold and improve policy of One Country, Two Systems, and safeguard the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. It will better ensure extensive and balanced political participation of Hong Kong residents, serve the interests of all social strata, all sectors and all parties of Hong Kong society, help improve the governance efficacy of the Hong Kong SAR, and lay good foundation for eventual realization of universal suffrage. This is the kind of democracy that the Hong Kong people truly deserve, and this is the long-term plan that will truly safeguard the fundamental interests of Hong Kong.

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