
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
As for China"s obligations, the primary responsibility and obligation of the Chinese government is to ensure sovereignty and security of China"s territory, including that of the Hong Kong SAR. It is to ensure that no external forces and their political agents will be able to easily instigate "color revolution" to endanger the security, stability and the development of Hong Kong. It"s also to ensure that Hong Kong governance can truly serve the interests and well-being of Hong Kong compatriots.
I also want to point out that those American and British legislators are elected by their constituents in the US and UK. They have no right to interfere in other countries" internal affairs. These legislators should do something to deliver real benefits to their constituents. What on earth have those legislators done when COVID-19 is still rampant in the US and UK and so many people are dying? What have those legislators done with drug addicts and homeless people in the streets of their constituencies? What have those legislators done about racism and social injustice? What they should really do is to heed the voice of their own people and turn their attention to their own people"s well-being and their domestic affairs.

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