
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
津巴布韦总统姆南加古瓦、乌克兰副总理斯特凡尼希娜等28个国家和地区的政要、政府官员和世界卫生组织代表、专家通过视频连线深入交流。 Hua Chunying: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine jointly held the online and offline "Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine and International Cooperation to Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic" on March 30. Political leaders and government officials from 28 countries and regions including President of Zimbabwe Mnangagwa and Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Stefanishyna, WHO representatives and experts had in-depth exchanges through video link.
Sun Chunlan, Vice Premier of the State Council said in her opening address that traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a jewel of the Chinese people. Throughout the fight against COVID-19, TCM has all along played an active role. The eight editions of Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 Patients with Chinese characteristics were formulated by combining TCM with Western medicine. The efficacy of TCM products including the well-know three drugs and three formulas have been proven through practice. China has also been sharing its experience in using TCM for prevention, control and treatment without reservation. We stand ready to work with all countries to deepen cooperation in TCM basic theory, clinical efficacy and international standard, and to enable traditional medicine and modern medicine to interact and draw upon each other"s strength, so as to better serve the health and welfare of all humanity.

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