2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视

3 彭博社记者:两个问题。第一,世卫组织总干事称,联合专家组报告在得出新冠病毒最有可能经中间宿主从蝙蝠传人的结论之前,并未充分分析实验室泄露的可能性。昨天,总干事在对成员国吹风会上表示,可能还需派出更多专家组。外交部对此有何评论?第二个问题,BBC驻华记者沙磊在其涉华报道受到大量批评后,已经离开这里去了台湾。外交部对此有何评论?
Bloomberg: I have two questions. First, WHO"s Director General has said the virus probe didn"t adequately analyze the possibility of a lab accident before deciding that it"s most likely the pathogen spread from bats to humans via another animal. In a briefing to member countries yesterday he said he is ready to deploy additional missions involving specialist experts. Does the foreign ministry have a comment on this? My second question is, the BBC correspondent John Sudworth has relocated to Taiwan after receiving a fair amount of criticism in China for his coverage here. Does the foreign ministry have a comment on that?
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