
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
To crack down on crimes such as secession, subversion, collusion with external forces, and disclosure of national secrets, and to ensure people"s loyalty to the country and safeguard national security, Britain enacted a set of acts including the Treason Act 1351, the Treason Felony Act 1848, and the Official Secrets Act 1989. These acts apply equally to public servants.
The US federal government is in charge of the improvements of the country"s electoral system. With specific election rules, it ensures that only the "patriots" could be elected. In the UK, a unitary country, the electoral system of each region is decided by the central government of Britain. Both the US and UK have a large number of electoral legislations. In the past two years, members of US Congress have introduced more than 40 bills to improve the electoral system. On the same day (March 3 EST) when China"s top legislature announced its agenda for improving Hong Kong"s electoral system, the US House of Representatives passed a "For the People Act" to improve the electoral system and ensure election security. Britain has enacted more than 200 acts, orders, and rules relating to the election of members of Parliament, mayors, police and crime commissioners in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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