
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
First, The UK and the US questioned the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong". But in fact, the principle of "patriots-administering" has long been a common practice around the world. The US, the UK and some other countries have long established strict standards of patriotism and loyalty in their laws, especially explicit requirements for public officials to be loyal to the state. For example, the law of the United States clearly defines the the basic obligation of public service, and the first of its general principles is to pledge loyalty to the US Constitution and laws. Anyone shall not be allowed to serve in the US government if he/she advocates the overthrow of the constitutional form of government, or participates in a strike against the US government, or participates in an organization that engages in such activities. The US Constitution and criminal law also clearly stipulate that people who commit crimes such as rioting and treason shall be incapable of holding any office in the United States. Both the House and the Senate of the US Congress have independent ethics committees, which are responsible for monitoring and investigating whether members of Congress have committed acts of disloyalty to the United States. In US history, 18 members of Congress have been expelled for disloyalty to the country.

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