
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
The BBC has produced and broadcast a large number of fake news with strong ideological bias, seriously deviating from the objective, balanced and fair position of media reports. In particular, the BBC has spread large amount of false information about Xinjiang, Hong Kong and COVID-19, to which the Chinese people strongly oppose. The Chinese side has made solemn representations to BBC on many occasions, hoping that it will take China"s position seriously, abandon anti-China ideological bias and double standards, stop anti-China slanders, smears and attacks, and report China in an objective, fair and accurate manner.
I have recently watched a splendid talk show named "the credibility crisis of western media" featuring Mr. Zhang Weiwei in the program China Now. As Mr. Zhang Weiwei mentioned in the show, BBC"s coverage of Hong Kong during the turbulence over the proposed amendment bill in 2019 was riddled with double standards and fake news. In October 2019, the BBC reported that 39 Chinese nationals were smuggled into the UK and died in a British lorry. It turned out that all the dead were Vietnamese. But the BBC has never made any apology whatsoever. The BBC was producing fake news on international issues to such an extent that even those working for the BBC couldn"t stand it. In February 2019, BBC Syria producer Riam Dalati dropped a bombshell on the Syrian crisis by tweeting that the hospital scene in video footage taken after a suspected chemical attack in April 2018 was "fake". But after he revealed the truth, his Twitter account was banned.

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