
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
And when it comes to China, BBC"s failure to be objective and fair is even more appalling. For example, the BBC"s documentary on Wuhan, which was aired in January 2021, used footage of a Chinese police anti-terrorism drill to accuse the Chinese of detaining civilians with their heads covered. In addition, as far as I know, the BBC has a Royal Charter, which means the BBC World Service is free from the Ofcom regulation. In other words, the BBC World Service, which is responsible for promoting British values abroad, has been given the power to do whatever it wants. While BBC"s domestic programs are subject to regulation, its international programs are allowed to run free. David Sedgwick, a British academic, recently published a book called "The Fake News Factory: Tales from BBC-land". In effect, he argues, the BBC has now transformed into a hard-core political party in all but name. Interestingly enough, the British media Daily Express also carried an article titled "BBC failures", which specifically referred to a poll conducted in the UK, which found that almost half of people believe that the BBC has failed to be unbiased in its reporting in recent years. That is why Mr Zhang Weiwei thinks Western media is now facing a credibility crisis. I think he speaks for a lot of Chinese people.

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