2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视

4 日本共同社记者:我的问题也是关于世卫组织最新发布的病毒溯源研究报告。美国等14个国家31日发表共同声明,对这份报告表达关切并提出疑问。请问中方对此有何评论?
Kyodo News Agency: A follow-up on the WHO report. Yesterday 14 countries including the US released a statement expressing their concern and raising questions over the report of the WHO-China joint study. Do you have a comment?
Hua Chunying: We repeated many times that the study of origins is a scientific matter that should be conducted jointly by scientists all over the globe and should not be politicized. This is a consensus of the overwhelming majority of countries in the world. The US assembled a handful of countries and released this so-called statement, openly questioning and negating the joint report of the joint WHO-China study. This is solid evidence of their disregard for science and political manipulation of study of origins. The US has been working on this, even before the report came out, but with little support. It is deeply immoral to politicize study of origins in this way. Such unpopular move will only hamper global cooperation in tracing the origins, jeopardize international anti-pandemic cooperation, and cost more lives. It runs counter to the international community"s aspiration for solidarity against the virus. This is crystal clear to the overwhelming majority of countries in the world. Such attempts will not succeed. Relevant countries should ask themselves about how they did in the fight against COVID-19 and what they have done for global anti-epidemic cooperation?
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