
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
That is why I said the expert panel believes that it is extremely unlikely that the virus escaped from the lab in Wuhan and this possibility is basically ruled out. But given that origin-tracing is a complex issue and that conclusions should be reached by scientists on the basis of facts, the experts said that if there is further evidence that requires necessary re-assessment of this hypothesis, they will carry out the work on relevant laboratories across the world. Therefore, we hope relevant countries can cooperate with WHO expert mission in an open, transparent and responsible manner like China did.
You may have noticed that the experts also said that the virus may have been spread in places other than China early on. This is one more reason that a global perspective is needed to carry out the origin-tracing work in multiple countries and sites. The report also proposes multiple tasks to be conducted worldwide. We hope the US and relevant countries can work with WHO in a science-based way like China did.

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