
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
5 法新社记者:世卫组织总干事昨天呼吁再次派专家组“调查”武汉病毒研究所。中方是否会允许世卫专家组再次访华,“调查”武汉病毒研究所? AFP: I have a follow-up question on the comments by the WHO chief, who called yesterday for another investigation into the Wuhan Institute of Virology. So will China open a new WHO investigation into the Wuhan Institute of Virology? 华春莹:我想你援引的话不太准确。根据我看到的专家组视频新闻发布会报道,专家组表示对实验室泄露的猜测一直存在,但是专家组与中方经过认真的考察,没有发现任何可疑的迹象。
Hua Chunying: I think your quote may not be accurate. According to the reports on the press briefing of the joint mission, the expert group said that there has been speculation about a lab leak, but with earnest research, the experts found no suspicious signs. The experts had candid and in-depth discussion with relevant personnel on the Chinese side and they learned in detail the management practice, working protocols and recent virology research of relevant labs. They think it is extremely unlikely that the virus is leaked from the lab. If there is further evidence that require necessary re-assessment of this hypothesis, they will carry out the work on relevant laboratories across the world.

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