
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
Now I"m going to show you a video clip that we saw on YouTube, in which a foreign blogger told a story about the BBC and Adrian Zens. (Playing the video clip)
This video just corroborates what I said yesterday about the chain of lies.
I would also like to stress that China always protects the right of foreign journalists to report in China in accordance with law and regulations, and provides convenience and assistance for them to live and work here. What we oppose are ideological bias against China, fake news under the guise of so-called freedom of the press, and acts that violate professional ethics of journalism. When a media organization let ideology and its self-righteous values override truth, how is that different from letting politics override science in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic? The latter has paid the price of life, the former is bound to pay the price of credibility.

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