
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
9 《华尔街日报》记者:关于世卫组织总干事表示应进一步“调查”新冠病毒从实验室泄露的可能性,你刚才做了回答,你的意思是否是指,中方不会允许针对武汉病毒研究所或其他中国的研究所的进一步“调查”(investigation)?还是说,中方接受进一步“调查”的前提是也对美国等其他国家的实验室进行“调查”?第二个问题,欧盟就世卫组织报告发表声明,对溯源研究启动过晚、得到数据有限等感到遗憾,呼吁进行独立、透明“调查”。中方对此有何评论?第三个问题,你能否介绍此次溯源“调查”第二阶段研究将何时开展?中方是否已开始进行相关工作?如果是的话,是针对哪一部分?
Wall Street Journal: Another follow-up question on Dr. Tedros" remarks on the need for further investigation into the possibility of a laboratory incident being behind the leak of the virus. Are you saying that China will not allow any further investigation of the Wuhan Institute of Virology or other Chinese laboratories? Or are you saying that it will only allow that if there is also investigation of the laboratories in other countries, including in the United States. Second question, do you have any response to the European Union"s statement on the Wuhan mission which also expressed regrets over delays and the lack of access and called for an independent and transparent investigation. And thirdly, do you have any information on when the phase two studies of this global study will begin. Is China already working on some parts of that. If so, which parts?

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