
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
10 英国广播公司记者:首先,刚才播放的视频里这个人提到BBC与郑国恩的关系,我是BBC的制片人,负责与郑国恩有关的涉疆报道,我从未见过视频里这个人,从未跟他交谈过或发过邮件。所以我不明白,他为什么知道所谓BBC和郑国恩联系的情况呢?如果中方想了解我们与郑国恩联系的细节,为什么不问我们?第二,我要纠正一下你提到有关BBC监管的问题,BBC接受Ofcom的监管,你应该了解Ofcom,它最近撤销了CGTN在英国落地的许可。 BBC: I want to ask about the video you showed us earlier which was about the BBC"s relationship with Adrian Zenz. I was the producer who worked on all the reports on Xinjiang which featured Adrian Zenz. I"ve never met the man who"s in that video. I"ve never spoken to him. I"ve never exchanged an Email with him. So I don"t understand why it is that he"s supposed to have some expertise or insight into our supposed relationship with Adrian Zenz. If you would like to know the details of how we work with Adrian Zenz, why don"t you ask us? And indeed any media outlet who wants to know about that is very welcome to put a question to us about it. Secondly, I"d like to correct what you said about regulation in the BBC. The BBC is regulated. We have to abide by Ofcom regulations. And I"m sure you know that"s the body recently revoked CGTN"s license to broadcast in the UK. 华春莹:

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