
2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
随着Quest系列、HTC Vive 、Pico、大朋VR等VR设备在市场上的普及,VR电影、VR游戏两大娱乐体验也逐渐被熟知,但你听说过XR电影吗?With the popularity of VR devices such as Quest series, HTC Vive,Pico and Dapeng VR in the market, VR movies and VR games are gradually known, but have you ever heard of XR movies?《告别核桃》就是第一个吃螃蟹的XR影片。该影片由温州商学院的XR_LAB团队打造,总时长约10分钟,已经入围了北美电影节、英国Lift-off Global Network、新西兰亚太国际电影节金蕨奖、香港国际青年电影节等多个海内外知名电影节提名。
Farewell to the Walnut is the first XR movie to eat crab.Created by the XR_LAB team of Wenzhou Business School, the film has a total duration of about 10 minutes. It has been nominated by many well-known film festivals at home and abroad, such as the North American Film Festival, the UK Lift-Off Global Network, the Golden Fern Award of the New Zealand Asia Pacific International Film Festival, and the Hong Kong International Youth Film Festival.



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