
2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
《告别核桃》的标签“首部元宇宙XR影片”吸引了很多人关注,怎么理解什么是XR电影呢?它和常规的VR电影有什么不同?Game Daily: Farewell to Walnut"s label "the first Metaverse XR movie" has attracted a lot of attention. How do you understand what an XR movie is?How is it different from a regular VR movie?李柳君:其实我们刚刚开始提这个概念的时候,很多人也都不理解,简单来说,VR是XR影片的技术基础,但是它的展现形式又不限于VR。举两个点来解释一下。Li Liujun: Actually, when we first mentioned this concept, many people didn"t understand it. In short, VR is the technical basis of XR movies, but its presentation form is not limited to VR.Let me give you two points to explain.一方面,XR影片会拓展“观看”的边界。
除了能用VR设备来看,还能用手机来看,我们也在尝试结合真实的环境来做影像内容,比如实拍温州中心的某个区域,让观众能快速融入到这个场景中,或者是直接线下走到这个场景中去看XR影片。On the one hand, XR movies stretch the boundaries of "watching".In addition to VR devices, mobile phones can also be used to view. We are also trying to combine the real environment to create video content, such as shooting a certain area in Wenzhou center, so that the audience can quickly integrate into the scene, or directly walk to the scene to watch XR film.另一个方面,也就是《告别核桃》已经在做的事情——融入数字人形式。

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