2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
这似乎有点像《头号玩家》中进入影视片的场景简化版?Gamedaily: It seems a bit like a simplified version of the scene in Ready Player One that goes into the movies?李柳君:对的,就是类似那种体验。Li Liujun: Yeah, it"s kind of like that.游戏日报:我们花了多长时间把《告别核桃》短片做出来?过程中遇到了哪些难点?Game Daily: How long did it take us to make the short film Farewell to the Walnut?What difficulties did we encounter along the way?李柳君:
项目是在去年6月份启动的,立项后不断修改剧本、策划案和角色,从无到有创作了两万多字的剧本,制作了接近2T的三维素材文件。主要的难点就是没有可以参考的产品,因为这个概念是完全创新的,我们是第一个探索者。Li Liujun: The project was launched in June last year. After the project was approved, I kept revising the script, the plan and the characters. From scratch, I created a script of more than 20,000 words and produced a 3D material file close to 2T.The main difficulty was that there was no product to refer to, because the concept was completely innovative and we were the first explorer.
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