
2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
所以为什么我会去做XR影片领域,很重要的原因之一就是适配各种硬件。当然早期我们也是用了很多成本试错。In fact, it also reflects a trend that there is a lack of self-developed engine of sufficient volume in China. Once the engine fails to keep up with the upgrade, the previous content will be limited. Without the support of software content, the hardware market will not be activated.Therefore, one of the most important reasons why I want to work in the field of XR films is to adapt to various kinds of hardware.And of course there was a lot of trial and error early on.游戏日报:
XR在VR、AR的基础上更强调可触摸、可互动,有人认为脑机接口才是真正能做到XR体验的第一步,您怎么看这种观点?Gaming Daily: XR emphasizes touch and interaction on the basis of VR and AR. Some people think that brain computer interface is the first step to truly achieve XR experience. What do you think of this view?李柳君:扩展现实(XR)包括虚拟现实(VR)、增强现实(AR)和混合现实(MR),被称为未来虚拟现实交互的最终形态。之前IDC预测2025年全球AR/VR/XR设备市场会突破8000亿美元,外形与重量接近普通眼镜的新一代XR眼镜将产生,会成为下一代互联网的关键入口。
脑机接口现在的发展也很顺利,主要是在医疗健康领域,另外V社正在开发能应用于游戏的,我觉得未来两者会相互推动发展。Lyujun Li: Extended Reality (XR) includes virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR), which is called the final form of virtual reality interaction in the future.IDC previously predicted that the global AR/VR/XR device market would exceed $800 billion in 2025. The new generation of XR glasses, which are close to ordinary glasses in shape and weight, will be produced and become the key entry of the next generation of Internet.Bci is also developing well, mainly in the medical and health field, and V Society is developing one that can be used in games. I think the two will push each other in the future.

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