2019年全国统一考试浙江卷英语 独家逐题解析(22)

2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
“I have to get food ____52____ because after all the biking I am tired and I need the ____53____,” Dubanchet explained. “Is my ____54____ full or empty? That is the most important thing, not what I am eating.”
He aims to ____55____ his journey by mid-July. With any luck, he’ll turn a few more heads in the process.
36. A. clevererB. olderC. strangerD. simpler
37. A. garbage-eatingB. sports-lovingC. food-wastingD. law-breaking
38. A. secretlyB. finallyC. entirelyD. probably
39. A. purposeB. wayC. opinionD. dream
40. A. observeB. imagineC. suggestD. remember
41. A. storeB. cookC. shop forD. throw away
42. A. lockedB. damagedC. connectedD. abandoned
43. A. boughtB. offeredC. orderedD. sold
44. A. reasonsB. rightsC. feesD. aids
45. A. begging forB. giving awayC. hidingD. causing
46. A. didB. keptC. acceptedD. risked
47. A. hardlyB. usuallyC. particularlyD. merely
48. A. easiestB. nearestC. biggestD. richest
49. A. workB. shoutC. askD. jump

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