2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
亚马逊女战士类型的积极方面可以是成为男性别具一格的同事——一个没有人际交往要求的同事——一个男性们应该认真对待的竞争者和对手, 她煽动他的野心, 并且激发他去追逐最好的男性成就。她的消极方面是, 在“男性气概之宣示”的驱使下一个想要和她的兄弟平等的姐妹, 她也不会承认任何权威或优越感, 她还没有破茧而出得到专属女性的那部分选举权, 她用完全男性的武器战斗, 她是家里的复仇女神墨格拉。社交或社会“鬣狗”也是这种类型的子类别。个人的麻烦被以“男性”的方式处理或者直接被压抑。对于任何仍未开发或误入歧途的人来说, 无论是对自己还是对他人都缺乏耐心或理解 (“我期待着我的孩子长大的时候”)。婚姻和关系是在成就的面向被对待的, 而且主要是她自己的成就;成功和效率是她的口号。亚马逊女战士类型也有可能滥用人际关系作为“生意”的手段或者为了她的事业不择手段。
Heinrich von Kleist in his " Penthesilea" has shed light into the depths of Amazon psychology. An instructive historic example is Lady Hester Stanhope .

Maybe " Amazon" , like " Hetaira" , is a somewhat misleading name, as it is linked with historical associations. But it is probably not easy to find a better term for this structural form which is characterized by the emphasis placed upon the individual"s own personality and its development within the limits of the objective cultural values of our time, quite independent of other persons and of instinctive or other psychic factors. In as far as our present time offers widest scope to the Amazon structure, it is this form which, beside the " mother" , can most frequently be found in the lime-light of public life, or which is perhaps chosen as the outer way of life whenever it corresponds to a necessity or an ideal, even though it may not be fully consistent with the natural structure.
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