2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
另外一个灵媒类型的例子则是创造性的, 她是 理卡达·胡赫, 她的媒介特质由广泛的历史知识和诗意的品质支持, 唤起了历史中的著名场景和人物。在伟大的女演员中, 你可以想到埃莱奥诺拉·杜斯作为灵媒类型的典型。但奇怪的是, 没有找到被认为最有资格给集体无意识形象提供表达的女性画家。她们可能太依赖于时代精神, 因而偏好模仿流行的风格;因此, 她们的作品趋于肤浅并且停留在个人的范围内。然而, 客观和集体的精神内容只能用一种客观的语言来充分表达, 除了具有艺术性之外, 还必须是心理的或象征性的。就像亚马逊女战士类型吸收了她那个时代的非个人的文化价值, 并据此形成了她的自我, 灵媒类型则感知一个人的无意识的、生发的背景元素,一种情境或一个时代,并据此形成她的自我。正如现代亚马逊女战士类型最初误将男性行为具体地当成阳刚活动,所以灵媒类型则误将精神具体地当成无意识精神。
她沉浸在集体无意识中, 寻找和表达其意义将是她的文化任务, 并以这种方式来完成一个促进生命的补偿性功能。

Similar to the four basic psychological functions, all the four structural forms are inherent to every woman. If possible she will realize the one which is the most consistent with her nature. By and by, a second form will assert itself from within. This process, too, runs parallel to the gradual differentiation of the four basic functions, in so far as the second form is not the opposite one in our schematic representation except for those cases where the opposite presses up from the unconscious. Consequently, for the mother for instance, this second form will be the Amazon or the medial woman; the personal relationship is thus joined by an impersonal one or, vice versa, by a personal one in the case of an initially impersonally related woman (24). If the gradual integration of the next structural form does not take place, the original one will be exaggerated and turn negative. In the further course of life a third form will have to be dealt with, which usually lies upon the same axis as the second, but has mpre of a shadow character and can be less easily reconciled with the first one. Again similar to the four functions, the fourth form causes the greatest difficulty. The fourth structural form cannot as a rule be lived concretely, representing too great a contrast to the original character and to reality. Like the fourth " inferior" basic function it must therefore be expressed on the symbolic level. And just as the coming to terms with the fourth function is the way to psychic totality, the integration of the fourth structural form of the woman is an approach to the Self.
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