2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
我们的时代与其多方面的非理性兴趣为灵媒类型提供了许多表达的可能性, 如笔迹学, 占星术, 手相术等。但这些都是艺术, 甚至是职业, 并且不适合那些没有特殊才能的人。因此, 对于灵媒类型的女性来说, 更迫切的是, 她比其他结构类型更需要意识到她特有的心理和学会如何区分它们, 从而成为一个中保,而不是单纯的媒介。与其将她自己和其他人等同于集体无意识的内容——与现实没什么关系——她更应该欣赏她作为接收这些内容的工具和容器的媒介能力。但要做到这一点, 她将不得不找到一种合适的语言。在以前的文化中, 灵媒类型有作为预言家、女巫、女药师或萨满的社会功能, 现在在原始民族中也依然存在。今时今日,我们至少有心理学的语言, 无意识是一个重要的,而且往往是必不可少的因素, 将其纳入到一个人的生命中不仅仅具有疗愈的作用, 甚至可以产生更广阔的意识以及有意义地植根于心理的法则。
这里需要提及斯图尔特·怀特写的关于他妻子贝蒂的书。的确, 贝蒂仍然在一定程度上使用心灵主义者的语言表达自己, 但作为一个人类, 她是一个异常重要的拥有积极人生观的人, 这让她在面对来自无意识的信息时总是表现出踌躇和彻底的批判。因此, 它们很容易转化为现代心理学的语言。

Another example of a medial woman, in this case a creative one, is Ricarda Huch whose mediality, supported by extensive historical knowledge and poetic qualities, evoked historic situations and persons. Among the great actresses one could mention Eleonora Duse. Strangely enough, women painters whom one might believe to be best qualified to give expression to the images of the collective unconscious, are missing. They probably depend too much on the spirit of the age and consequently imitate the prevailing style; and they thus remain on the surface and within the personal sphere. The objective and collective psychic contents, however, can only be adequately expressed in an objective language which, apart from art, would have to be a psychological or symbolic one. Just as the Amazon absorbs the impersonal cultural values of her period and forms her ego accordingly, the medial woman perceives, and is formed by, the unconscious, germinal background elements of a person, a situation or a period. And just as the modern Amazon at first concretely mistook mannish behaviour for masculine activity, so the medial woman concretely mistook spirits for the unconscious spirit. Immersed as she is "in the collective unconscious, it would be her cultural task to find and express its meaning, and in this way to accomplish a life-promoting compensatory function.
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