
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
China also restored a total of 1.745 million hectares of degraded forests nationwide and improved 3.147 million hectares of degraded grasslands last year, according to the report.去年,全国共完成退化林修复174.5万公顷、种草改良草原314.7万公顷。
公报称,2019年全民义务植树深入开展,“互联网 全民义务植树(internet plus public voluntary tree planting)”不断拓展,活动丰富多彩。
More than 500 million people have participated in a virtual tree planting project in the mobile payment app Alipay. A total of 39,000 hectares of trees had been planted last year via the project, it said.蚂蚁金服集团开展的虚拟种树项目,社会公众参与超过5亿人次,植树造林3.9万公顷。
此外,2019年草原生态保护修复(grassland ecological protection and restoration)力度加大,湿地保护修复(wetland protection and restoration)有效加强,沙区生态状况持续改善。全国完成防沙治沙(desertification control)任务226万公顷,荒漠化土地面积连续净减少。
输入病例 imported COVID-19 cases
3月12日举行的国务院联防联控机制新闻发布会上,国家卫健委新闻发言人米锋指出,总体上,我国本轮疫情流行高峰已经过去(pass the climax of the novel coronavirus outbreak),新增发病人数在持续下降,疫情总体保持在较低水平。
Hubei province, the epicenter of the epidemic, had eight new coronavirus infections on Wednesday, all in its capital city of Wuhan, Mi said.米锋指出,3月11日0时至24时湖北新增确诊病例8例,全部在省会武汉。

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