
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
He called for a distance of 40 cm from computer screens during work and proper background light to reduce eye fatigue.他还建议,工作时要与电脑屏幕保持40厘米的距离,同时保证有适当的背景照明,以缓解眼睛疲劳。
这里的eyestrain和eye fatigue均表示“眼睛疲劳”,有时eyestrain也写作eye strain,常见的眼睛疲劳症状有:眼睛发热或发痒(burning eyes or itchy eyes)、眼睛红肿(sore or irritated eyes)容易流泪(watery eyes)、视线模糊或重影(blurred or double vision)、眼睛对光敏感(sensitivity to light),以及肩颈背痛(pain in the neck, shoulders, or back)等。
People should ensure adequate sleep of seven to eight hours each night and exercise at home, including yoga, jogging, or sit-ups, said Wei, adding that computer keyboards should be cleaned regularly to prevent conjunctivitis caused by bacteria.人们应该保证每晚7到8小时的睡眠,在家也要锻炼身体,比如:瑜伽、慢跑或仰卧起坐等,此外,要定期清洁电脑键盘,以防止由细菌感染导致的结膜炎。
Looking away from the computer screen up to a distance of 20 feet for 20 seconds every 20 minutes helps in reducing the stress in the eyes.看屏幕20分钟后,抬头眺望20英尺(6米)外的远处至少20 秒钟以上有助于缓解眼部压力。
Firmly massaging the temples with your fingers in a rotary fashion for a minute while closing your eyes is often helpful in relieving the symptoms.闭上眼睛,用手指在两边太阳穴用力揉圈按摩通常会缓解眼睛疲劳。

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