2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
The country will expand recruitment in senior high schools and kindergartens where teachers are urgently needed, and encourage more graduates to find jobs or start businesses in sectors including modern agriculture and social public services.我们将招录更多高校毕业生到急需教师的高中和幼儿园任教,引导毕业生到现代农业、社会公共服务等领域就业创业。
College graduates will also be encouraged to join the military.引导高校毕业生参军入伍。
方舱休舱 makeshift hospitals closed
Makeshift hospitals built to treat novel coronavirus infected patients with mild symptoms in Wuhan, Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak, are expected to wrap up operation around March 10, China Central Television reported on Sunday.据央视3月8日报道,新冠肺炎疫情爆发地湖北省武汉市临时改建的方舱医院有望在3月10日全部休舱。方舱医院主要用来治疗新冠肺炎轻症患者。
“方舱医院”是解放军野战机动医疗系统的一种(part of mobile field medical system of the PLA),在各种应急救治中也有广泛使用。“方舱医院”一般由医疗功能单元(medical treatment)、病房单元(ward)、技术保障单元(technical support)等部分构成,是一种模块化卫生装备,具有紧急救治(emergency treatment)、外科处置(surgical treatment)、临床检验(clinical tests)等多方面功能。
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