2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
电影《传染病》(Contagion)中的台词提到:I"ve been taking it since the onset of the symptoms. 症状一开始我就在服用它。

《经济学人》(The Economist)一篇分析拜登即将面临的经济挑战的文章中提到:So far there is little sign of the economic scarring that was feared at the onset of the crisis. 到目前为止,没什么迹象显示会出现疫情之初人们所担心的那种经济创伤。
millet /mlt/ 表示“黍,稷;小米,粟”,英文解释为“a plant that is similar to grass, or the small seeds from this plant that can be eaten”。
表示“耕种;种植;栽培”,英文解释为“the preparation and use of land for growing plants or crops”如:rice/wheat, etc. cultivation 水稻、小麦等的种植。
The team did this by studying the linguistic features of the languages and using computational analysis to map their spread through space and time based on their similarities to each other. Doing so allowed Robbeets and her team to trace the proto-Transeurasian language back to the Liao river area of north-east China around 9000 years ago.
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